Unleash the potential of your workforce

A learning and development tool for employees, managers and HR professionals to create a performance-driven culture.

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Upskill - The learning platform made for your business

With this tool, all employees know what skills they need to acquire next to optimize their performance.

  • Reduce turnover, increase job satisfaction and retention rates.

    Upskill is a comprehensive HR tool designed to facilitate the process of corporate learning and development plans, giving employees the skills they need to be more successful in their jobs and managers the insights they need to identify areas of workforce need.

  • Focus on developing talent for your company.

    With tools like one-on-one coaching, Upskill allows you to focus on high-potential employees while building your team over time through self-learning courses or group workshops

You identify the skills you need to acquire next to optimize your performance.

Just type in a skill or search for a category (e.g., communication, leadership).

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We'll show you what skills are needed for your current role and how they align with our company's goals.

Once we have captured all the skills required for each position in the company, we display them on a skills map that allows employees to track their progress in acquiring these skills.

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You'll get personalized feedback on where you excel and what areas you need to improve.

When it's time for evaluations or promotions, managers can use Upskill as an invaluable tool to identify strengths and weaknesses within their workforce.

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Bring the "wow" back to work.

UpSkill is a powerful, easy-to-use software solution that helps organizations identify and close skills gaps in their workforce.

  • Skill Analysis

    • Soft and Hard Skills
    • Based on Intelligent Algorithms
    • Gap Analysis
  • Path Creator

    • Individual Development
    • Selection of courses
    • Deadlines
    • Progress tracking
  • Productivity

    • Rewards System
    • Link to strategic goals
    • KPI Tracking

Upskill for Teams

Only those who have the right skills can achieve their goals.

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Get Started Today

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